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Texas A&M University

Events for 01/27/2025 from all calendars

Geometry Seminar

iCal  iCal

Time: 3:00PM - 4:00PM

Location: BLOC 302

Speaker: JM Landsberg, Texas A&M

Title: The cheapest tensors

Abstract: Motivated by quantum information theory and the complexity of matrix multiplication, one would like to classify tensors of "minimal border rank". This is now understood to be a difficult problem with deep connections to algebraic geometry and commutative algebra. After giving an introduction to the topic with motivation and basic definitions, I will describe recent progress on the question, in particular the introduction of "atomic tensors". This is joint work in progress with J. Jelisiejew and T. Mandziuk.

Student/Postdoc Working Geometry Seminar

iCal  iCal

Time: 4:00PM - 5:00PM

Location: BLOC 302

Speaker: JM Landsberg, Texas A&M

Title: Modules over the polynomial ring and sheaves on projective space: the dictionary and examples