Name | Title / Research Area | Office | Phone (+1 979) | |
Allen, Angela | Instructional Associate Professor Mathematics Teaching | Bloc 348 | angieallen@tamu.edu | |
Alonso Ruiz, Patricia | Associate Professor Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes | Bloc 533C | paruiz@tamu.edu | |
Anshelevich, Michael | Professor Functional Analysis | Bloc 533D | manshel@tamu.edu | |
Austin, Amy | Instructional Associate Professor Algebra & Topology | Bloc 322DB | a-austin@tamu.edu | |
Baskin, Dean | Associate Professor Partial Differential Equations | Bloc 614B | dbaskin@tamu.edu | |
Battle, Guy | Professor Mathematical Physics | Bloc 303B | g-battle@tamu.edu | |
Baudier, Florent | Assistant Professor Functional Analysis | Bloc 525J | florent@tamu.edu | |
Berkolaiko, Gregory | Professor Partial Differential Equations | Bloc 625C | gberkolaiko@tamu.edu | |
Bobkova, Irina | Associate Professor Algebraic Topology | Bloc 633D | ibobkova@tamu.edu | |
Bollinger, Kathryn | Instructional Associate Professor | Bloc 322B | k-bollinger@tamu.edu | |
Bonito, Andrea | Professor | Bloc 505D | bonito@tamu.edu | |
Cantu, Justin | Instructional Assistant Professor | Bloc 328B | justincc@tamu.edu | |
Cartee, Elliot | Instructional Assistant Professor | Bloc 321 | cartee@tamu.edu | |
Carter, Tamara | Instructional Associate Professor | Bloc 322C | tcarter@tamu.edu | |
Cecchini, Simone | Assistant Professor | Bloc 525G | cecchini@tamu.edu | |
Chen, Goong | Professor Control Theory | Bloc 620E | g-chen@tamu.edu | 845-7336 |
Coffelt, Vanessa | Instructional Associate Professor | Bloc 350 | vcoffelt@tamu.edu | |
Comech, Andrew | Associate Professor Harmonic Analysis & PDE | Bloc 625D | comech@tamu.edu | |
Daripa, Prabir | Professor Fluid Dynamics, Mathematical Modeling and Simulation, Numerical Analysis, and Scientific Computation | Bloc 629D | daripa@tamu.edu | |
Demlow, Alan | Professor, and Associate Head for Operations Numerical Analysis | Bloc 507D | demlow@tamu.edu | |
DeVore, Ronald | Distinguished Professor Approximation Theory | Bloc 608F | ronalddevore@tamu.edu | |
Dorpalen-Barry, Galen | Assistant Professor | Bloc 641G | dorpalen-barry@tamu.edu | |
Dykema, Ken | Professor Operator Theory | Bloc 533E | kjd@tamu.edu | |
Efendiev, Yalchin | Professor and Mobil Chair in Computational Science Numerical Analysis | Bloc 608K Bloc 613C | efendiev@tamu.edu | 458-0836 |
Fillman, Jake | Assistant Professor | Bloc 623A | fillman@tamu.edu | |
Fisk, John | Lecturer | Bloc 300D | jfisk@tamu.edu | |
Foran, Ali | Instructional Assistant Professor | Bloc 328C | aliforan@tamu.edu | |
Foucart, Simon | Professor Compressed Sensing & Approximation Theory | Bloc 502D | foucart@tamu.edu | |
Garcia, Bradford | Lecturer | Bloc 351 | bradford_garcia@tamu.edu | |
Goncharuk, Nataliia | Assistant Professor | Bloc 510H | natasha_goncharuk@tamu.edu | |
Gong, Sherry | Assistant Professor C*Algebras of Groups and their K Theory | Bloc 342BA | sgongli@tamu.edu | |
Grigorchuk, Rostislav | Distinguished Professor Combinatorial Group Theory | Bloc 510E | grigorch@tamu.edu | |
Guermond, Jean-Luc | Professor and Mobil Chair in Computational Science Numerical Analysis | Bloc 507C | guermond@tamu.edu | |
Hening, Alexandru | Associate Professor Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes | Bloc 342BD | ahening@tamu.edu | |
Hester, Yvette | Associate Director for Academic Success Center, Instructional Associate Professor | Bloc 323 | yhester@tamu.edu | |
Howard, Peter | Department Head Partial Differential Equations | Bloc 314A Bloc 625B | phoward@tamu.edu | |
Howe, Roger | Professor Teaching, Learning & Culture, College of Education & Human Development | rogerhowe | ||
Hussein, Saud | Lecturer | Bloc 324 | saudhussein@tamu.edu | |
Kahlig, Joe | Instructional Associate Professor | Bloc 328D | kahlig@tamu.edu | |
Kang, Minchul | Instructional Assistant Professor | Bloc 335B | grcorg@tamu.edu | |
Kapita, Shelvean | Instructional Assistant Professor | Bloc 328A | kapita@tamu.edu | |
Kazemi, Sana | Instructional Assistant Professor | Bloc 354 | sana.kazemi@tamu.edu | |
Kilmer, Kendra | Instructional Associate Professor | Bloc 349 | kendra02@tamu.edu | |
Kim, Joungdong | Instructional Associate Professor Fluid Dynamics | Bloc 300B | jdkim@tamu.edu | |
Klein, Heather | Instructional Professor | Bloc 328H Bloc 332B | h-klein@tamu.edu | |
Klein, Patricia | Assistant Professor | Bloc 342BC | pjklein@tamu.edu | |
Kuchment, Peter | A.G. and M.E. Owen Chair and Distinguished Professor Partial Differential Equations | Bloc 614A | kuchment@tamu.edu | 862-3257 |
Landsberg, Joseph | Owen Professor and Professor Algebraic geometry | Bloc 601H | jml@tamu.edu | |
Larson, David | Professor Operator Theory | Bloc 620A | d-larson@tamu.edu | |
Lee, Jong | Instructional Assistant Professor | Bloc 347 | leejj82@tamu.edu | |
Lee, Sang Rae | Instructional Associate Professor Geometry | Bloc 328G | srlee@tamu.edu | |
Lima-Filho, Paulo | Professor Algebraic Geometry/Topology | Bloc 601F | lima-filho@tamu.edu | |
Liu, Chun-Hung | Associate Professor Combinatorics | Bloc 631B | chliu@tamu.edu | |
Liu, Wencai | Associate Professor Mathematical Physics | Bloc 629C | wencail@tamu.edu | |
Liu, Xin | Assistant Professor | Bloc 623C | xliu23@tamu.edu | |
Lockhart, Bret | Lecturer | Bloc 352 | blockhart@tamu.edu | |
Luhrmann, Jonas | Associate Professor Partial Differential Equations | Bloc 620B | luhrmann@tamu.edu | |
Lynch, Benjamin | Senior Lecturer | brlynch | ||
Maier, Matthias | Associate Professor | Bloc 502C | maier@tamu.edu | |
Manuel, David | Instructional Professor | Bloc 328E | dmanuel@tamu.edu | |
Mashburn, Jacob | Instructional Assistant Professor | Bloc 328B | jacobmashburn16@tamu.edu | |
Masri, Riad | Professor Number Theory | Bloc 641F | masri@tamu.edu | |
Matusevich, Laura Felicia | Professor Algebraic Geometry | Bloc 513D | matusevich@tamu.edu | |
Morvant, Angelique | Lecturer | Bloc 326 | mae4102@tamu.edu | |
Narcowich, Francis | Professor Approximation Theory | Bloc 611D | f-narcowich@tamu.edu | |
Nekrashevych, Volodymyr | Professor Combinatorial Group Theory | Bloc 513C | nekrash@tamu.edu | |
Onica, Constantin | Instructional Associate Professor | Bloc 322DC | onica@tamu.edu | |
Panetta, Lee | Professor Geophysical Fluid Dynamics | Eller 1007A | 845-1386 | |
Paouris, Grigoris | Professor Functional Analysis | Bloc 525K | grigoris@tamu.edu | |
Papanikolas, Matthew | Professor Number Theory | Bloc 641E | papanikolas@tamu.edu | - |
Pearlstein, Rosanna | Lecturer | Bloc 328F | rosanna_pear@tamu.edu | |
Petrova, Guergana | Professor PDE & Approximation Theory | Bloc 608H | gpetrova@tamu.edu | |
Popov, Bojan | Professor Numerical Analysis | Bloc 507B | popov@tamu.edu | |
Rahm, Robert | Instructional Associate Professor Fourier Analysis | Bloc 332C Bloc 356A | robrahm@tamu.edu | |
Rajagopal, Kumbakonam | Professor Mechanics | MEOB 525 | krajagopal@tamu.edu | 862-4552 |
Ranabhat, Min | Instructional Assistant Professor | Bloc 319 | ranabhat@tamu.edu | |
Reddy, J.N. | Professor Mechanics | MEOB 404 | jnreddy@tamu.edu | 862-2417 |
Reihani, Kamran | Instructional Assistant Professor Noncommutative Geometry,Operator Algebras | Bloc 322DA | reihani@tamu.edu | |
Rojas, J. Maurice | Professor, Executive Associate Head of Teaching Operations Algorithmic Algebraic Geometry | Bloc 305E Bloc 620C | rojas@tamu.edu | |
Rowell, Eric | Professor Algebra & Quantum Computation | Bloc 510B | rowell@tamu.edu | |
Rundell, William | Professor Partial Differential Equations | Bloc 614C | rundell@tamu.edu | |
Schielack, Vince | Associate Professor Math Education | Bloc 303C | vinces@tamu.edu | |
Schlumprecht, Thomas | Professor Functional Analysis | Bloc 525M | t-schlumprecht@tamu.edu | |
Schrader, Todd | Instructional Associate Professor | Bloc 360B | todd.schrader@tamu.edu | |
Sengupta, Sinjini | Instructional Associate Professor | Bloc 360B | ssinjini@tamu.edu | |
Shatalov, Oksana | Assistant Head for Academic Professional Track Faculty Affairs,Instructional Professor and Director Functional Analysis | Bloc 305F Bloc 360C | shatalov@tamu.edu | |
Shiu, Anne | Professor Mathematical Biology | Bloc 601E | annejls@tamu.edu | |
Siegel, Jonathan | Assistant Professor | Bloc 608J | jwsiegel@tamu.edu | |
Slattery, John | Professor Fluid Mechanics | HRBB 746C | slattery@tamu.edu | 845-0407 |
Smith, Roger | Professor Operator Theory | Bloc 533B | rrsmith@tamu.edu | |
Sottile, Frank | Professor Algebraic Geometry | Bloc 601L | sottile@tamu.edu | |
Sprekeler, Timo | Assistant Professor | Bloc 608L | timo.sprekeler | |
Stiller, Peter | Professor Algebraic Geometry | Bloc 623D | p-stiller@tamu.edu | |
Straube, Emil | Professor | Bloc 601M | e-straube@tamu.edu | |
Sze, Christopher | Lecturer | Bloc 335A | csze@tamu.edu | |
Thicke, Kyle | Instructional Assistant Professor | Bloc 360A | thicke@tamu.edu | |
Titi, Edriss | Distinguished Professor Partial Differential Equations | Bloc 633E | titi@tamu.edu | |
Tran, Minh-Binh | Associate Professor | Bloc 505C | minhbinh@tamu.edu | |
Tretkoff, Marvin | Adjunct Professor Algebraic Geometry | Bloc 303A | tretkoff | |
Vorobets, Mariya | Instructional Associate Professor Combinatorial Group Theory | Bloc 301A | mvorobet@tamu.edu | |
Vorobets, Yaroslav | Associate Professor Dynamical Systems | Bloc 301B | yvorobets@tamu.edu | |
Wang, Kun | Instructional Assistant Professor | Bloc 335C | kwang@tamu.edu | |
Weeks, John | Instructional Assistant Professor | Bloc 353 | jweeks03@tamu.edu | |
White, Jacob | Instructional Assistant Professor | Bloc 342BE | jacob.white@tamu.edu | |
Whitfield, Jennifer | Assistant Provost, Math Learning Center, and Instructional Professor Math Education | Bloc 300C | jwhitfld@tamu.edu | |
Willis, Michael | Assistant Professor | Bloc 623B | msw188@tamu.edu | |
Witherspoon, Sarah | Professor Algebra | Bloc 513B | sjw@tamu.edu | |
Xie, Zhizhang | Professor Non-Commutative Geometry | Bloc 633C | xie@tamu.edu | |
Yan, Catherine | Professor and Associate Head for Undergraduate Programs Combinatorics | Bloc 332A Bloc 513F | huafei-yan@tamu.edu | |
Yang, Tian | Associate Professor Manifolds and Cell Complexes | Bloc 510D | yangtian@tamu.edu | |
Yasskin, Philip | Associate Professor Mathematical Physics, Curriculum Development, K-12 Outreach | Bloc 620I | yasskin@tamu.edu | |
Yu, Guoliang | Powell Chair in Mathematics and Distinguished Professor Non-Commutative Geometry | Bloc 633B | guoliangyu@tamu.edu | 845-6648 |
Zelenko, Igor | Professor and Associate Head for Graduate Programs Differential Geometry | Bloc 336B Bloc 601J | zelenkotamu@tamu.edu grad.director.math@tamu.edu | |
Zhou, Jianxin | Professor Applied Mathematics | Bloc 641J | j-zhou@tamu.edu |
Visiting Faculty
Name | Title / Research Area | Office | Phone (+1 979) | |
Chu, Hung Viet | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 525C | hungchu1@tamu.edu | |
Favrie, Nicolas | Visiting Professor | Bloc 510J | nicolas.favrie@tamu.edu | |
Hu, Runjie | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 641B | runjie.hu@tamu.edu | |
Janssens, Sebastiaan | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 616 | janssens@tamu.edu | |
Lim, Yi-Sheng | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 604 | yishenglimysl@tamu.edu | |
Ma, Qiaochu | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 342BF | qiaochu@tamu.edu | |
Madsen, Peter | Visiting Scholar | Bloc 505A | p.madsen@tamu.edu | |
Mandziuk, Tomas | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 601A | t.mandziuk@tamu.edu | |
Nite, Sandra | Research Scientist Mathematics Education | Bloc 355A | s-nite@tamu.edu | |
Perales Anaya, Daniel | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 533F | daniel.perales@tamu.edu | |
Sergeev, Alexey | Visiting Scholar | Bloc 621A | asergeev@tamu.edu | |
Siktar, Joshua | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 510A | jmsiktar@tamu.edu | |
Simanjuntak, Paul | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 525B | simanjuntak@tamu.edu | |
Victor, Collin | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 633G | collin.victor@tamu.edu | |
Wang, Xueyin | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 609A | xueyin@tamu.edu | |
Welsh, Andrea | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 601D | ajwelsh@tamu.edu | |
Yershova, Yuliia | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 601B | yuershova@tamu.edu | |
Yoo, Youngho | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 601C | yyoo@tamu.edu | |
Zhong, Suhan | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 641A | suzhong@tamu.edu | |
Zhu, Bo | Visiting Assistant Professor | Bloc 641C | bozhu@tamu.edu |
Retired Faculty
Name | Title / Research Area | Office | Phone (+1 979) | |
Allen, G. Donald | Professor Emeritus Applied Mathematics | Bloc 317 | dallen@tamu.edu | |
Barrow, David | Retired Partial Differential Equations | barrow | ||
Boas, Harold | Professor and Presidential Professor for Teaching Excellence Several Complex Variables | boas@tamu.edu | ||
Boggess, Al | Professor Emeritus Several Complex Variables | boggess@asu.edu | ||
Borosh, Itshak | Professor Emeritus Number Theory | Bloc 355B | borosh@tamu.edu | |
Drost, Marcia | Instructional Assistant Professor | drost@tamu.edu | ||
Epstein, Janice | Instructional Associate Professor Many Body Physics | Bloc 355C | j-epstein@tamu.edu | |
Erdélyi, Tamás | Retired Approximation Theory | Bloc 623C | terdelyi@tamu.edu | |
Fulling, Stephen | Retired Mathematical Physics | Bloc 620H | fulling@tamu.edu | |
Geller, Sue | Professor Emerita Algebraic K-Theory | Bloc 355C | geller@tamu.edu | |
Gustafson, Robert | Retired Group Representations | rgustaf | ||
Hartfiel, Joe | Professor Emeritus Matrix Theory | Bloc 204D | hartfiel | |
Hensley, Doug | Professor Emeritus Number Theory | Bloc 355B | dhensley@tamu.edu | |
Johnson, Bill | A.G.and M.E. Owen Chair and Distinguished Professor Emeritus Functional Analysis | Bloc 525F | w-johnson@tamu.edu | |
Kiffe, Tom | Associate Professor Emeritus Integral Equations | Bloc 356A | tkiffe@tamu.edu | |
Lewis, Dan | Professor Emeritus Functional Analysis | Bloc 243E | lewis | |
Mogilevsky, Mila | Instructional Assistant Professor Emerita | Bloc 355C | mogilevs@tamu.edu | |
Pasciak, Joe | Retired Numerical Analysis | joseph-e-pasciak@tamu.edu | ||
Pearcy, Carl | Professor Emeritus Functional Analysis | Bloc 356B | c-pearcy@tamu.edu | |
Pilant, Michael | Professor Emeritus Partial Differential Equations | Bloc 356C | mpilant@tamu.edu | 979-845-5631 |
Pisier, Gilles | A.G.and M.E. Owen Chair and Distinguished Professor Functional Analysis | Bloc 525H | pisier@tamu.edu | |
Pitts, Jon | Professor Emeritus Geometric Analysis | Bloc 607 | j-pitts@tamu.edu | |
Rahe, Maurice | Professor Associate Emeritus Ergodic Theory | Bloc 201D | rahe | |
Scarborough, Sherry | Instructional Assistant Professor | |||
Schielack, Janie | Professor Emerita Math Education | Bloc 355C | j-schielack@tamu.edu | |
Sivakumar, N. | Retired Approximation Theory | sivan | ||
Smith, Kirby | Professor Emeritus Near Rings | Bloc 356A | k-smith@tamu.edu | |
Stecher, Mike | Associate Professor Emeritus Partial Differential Equations | Bloc 356C | stecher@tamu.edu | 845-1650 |
Taliaferro, Steven | Retired Partial Differential Equations | stalia@tamu.edu | ||
Tretkoff, Paula | Professor Emerita Number Theory | Bloc 303A | paulatretkoff@tamu.edu | |
Vogel, Tom | Associate Professor Emeritus Geometric Analysis | Bloc 356B | t-vogel@tamu.edu | |
Walton, Jay | Professor Emeritus Solid Mechanics | Bloc 526 | jwalton | |
Ward, Joe | Retired Approximation Theory | j-ward@tamu.edu |
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