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Texas A&M University

2003 Personal News

  • Don Allen websites on visual understanding of statistics and physics was featured in the Math Forum Newletter: "The Math Forum@Drexel publishes a newsletter once a week and we have chosen your site, Flash Demos for Understanding Statistics, to be featured in our October 13, 2003 issue."
    He also attended a reception honoring Editors of Scholarly Journals, TAMU University Libraries, October 1, 2003.

  • Goong Chen was invited to the Department of Physics, National University of Singapore, with airfare and salary paid by the host, December 11-20, 2003.
    He served as Session Chair for the 2nd Asia-Pacific Workshop on Quantum Information Science, National University of Singapore, December 2003.

  • Paula Cohen served as co-organizer of the Texas A&M Number Theory Seminar.

  • Prabir Daripa, co-organizer "Three Minisymposiums on Fast and Efficient Methods for PDE & Applications," SIAM03 CSE Meeting, San Diego, February 2003.

  • Richard Ewing was awarded the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Public Service Medal.
    Member, Board of Directors, Oak Ridge Associated Universities, 2003.

  • Judy Gloyna, Editorial Assistant, member of the department since November 1996, was killed in a tragic automobile accident on November 9, 2003, at age 46. She was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church where she served as organist and music coordinator. She is survived by her husband Dennis and daughter Kay.

  • Arthur Hobbs, Chair, Subcommittee on Legislative Affairs, 2003.

  • Peter Kuchment, Chair, AMS Special Session on Inverse Problems and Tomography, Binghamton, NY, October 2003.
    Organizer of the Mini-Workshop on mathematical modeling of photonic devices, Texas A&M University, May 2003.

  • In a ceremony held April 24, 2003, Rm. 203, MSC, the Department of Mathematics was the recipient of the 2003 Executive VP and Provost's Diversity Awards for Group Achievement. This award consists of a plaque, public recognition and $5,000 which will be deposited in a discretionary departmental account.

  • Joe Pasciak, organized the Numerical Analysis Conference Honoring Professor Raytcho Lazarov on the Occasion Of His 60th Birthday, Texas A&M University, Jan 24-25, 2003.

  • Gilles Pisier, organizer (with Ed Effros), of a one week conference on Operator Spaces at CIRM (Luminy, France) June 23-27, 2003.
    Organizer (with G. Skandalis), of a summer school on "Operator spaces, groups and C*-algebras," Paris, July 1-10, 2003.

  • J. Maurice Rojas served as NSF Panelist: CAREER Program (CISE division), 2003.
    Co-Organizer (with Luis-Miguel Pardo of University of Cantabria, Spain), Effective Analytic Geometry Over Complete Fields, special session at the joint AMS-RSME Meeting, Seville, June 18 & 20, 2003.

  • Henry Schenck, NSF Panel Member, Washington D.C., January 7-10 2003.

  • N. Sivakumar, organizer, CAT Seminar Series, 2003.

  • Mike Stecher, Director of Ap-Calculus workshops for high school instructors, Summer 2003.
    (with P. Yasskin) Conducted Maple Workshop, Texas A&M, Summer 2003.

  • Zoran Sunik, selection and preparation of Team USA for International Mathematical Olympiad in Glasgow, Scotland, 2003, the team placed thord in the world.

  • Catherine Yan, member, NSF Panel for Combinatorics, 2003.
    Co-organizer, CombinaTexas Conference of 2003 at Southwest Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, April 5-6, 2003.

  • Philip Yasskin, Director of Summer Educational Enrichment in Math: a 2 week program for gifted middle school students (with Kuchment, Mogilevski, Manuel, Epstein, Hobbs and Gustafson), Summer 2003.

  • Jianxin Zhou has been named a member of the Feng Kang Lectures, China, Fall 2003.

  • At its March 28, 2003 meeting, the Texas A&M University Board of Regents approved the promotion of Ken Dykema, Tamás Erdélyi, and Jane F. Schielack to Professor.

Grants awarded by the National Science Foundation

  • Marcelo Aguiar, "Combinatorial Hopf algebras," NSF grant number DMS-0302423, $102,648, June 1, 2003 to May 31, 2006.

  • Al Boggess, PI, Jay R. Walton, Co-PI, "REU Site: Analytical and statistical methods in the mathematical sciences," NSF grant number DMS-0243822, $366,000, June 1, 2003 to May 31 2006.

  • James Bramble, PI, James Pasciak, Co-PI, "A new approximation technique for Maxwell's equations," NSF grant number DMS-0311902, $324,544, July 1, 2003 to July 30, 2006.

  • Ken Dykema, PI, "Invariant subspaces and free probability in the context of von Neumann algebra," NSF grant number DMS-0300336, $120,000, July 15, 2003 to June 30, 2006.

  • Rostislav Grigorchuk, PI, "Algebraic, geometric, and asymptotic properties of branch groups," NSF grant number DMS-0308985, $375,372, June 1, 2003 to May 31, 2006.

  • Bill Johnson, PI, Gilles Pisier, Co-PI, "Workshop in linear analysis and probability," NSF grant number DMS-0308028, $96,120, June 1, 2003 to May 31, 2006.

  • Matthew Papanikolas, PI, "Transcendental numbers and special analytic functions," NSF grant number DMS-0340812, $56,620, August 1, 2003 to July 31, 2006.

  • Jon Pitts, PI, Huai-Dong Cao (Former PI) "Texas geometry and topology conference," NSF grant number DMS-0306628, $33,030, April 15, 2003 to March 31, 2006.

  • Henry Schenck, PI, "Collaborative research: Symbolic computations in algebra and topology," NSF grant number DMS-0311996, $85,427, July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2006.

  • Thomas Schlumprecht, PI, "Banach spaces and operators on them," NSF grant number DMS-0300058, $120,000, July 15, 2003 to June 20, 2006.

  • Catherine Yan, PI, "Research on enumerative and probabilistic combinatorics," NSF grant number DMS-0245526, $124,933, June 1, 2003 to May 31, 2006.

  • Catherine Yan, PI, "Interdisciplinary grants in the mathematical sciences: Combinatorial methods in manufacturing," NSF grant number DMS-0308827, $99,999, September 1, 2003 to August 31, 2004. Catherine Yan, PI, "CombinaTexas: A combinatorics conference for the South-Central U.S.," NSF grant number DMS-0300205, $31,800, April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2006.

  • Jianxin Zhou, PI, "Computational theory and methods for solving multiple saddle point problems," NSF grant number DMS-0311905, $115,114, July 1, 2003 to June 30, 2006 (estimated).

Fall 2003 award recipients for the Department of Mathematics

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