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Texas A&M University

Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar

Spring 2023


Date:January 27, 2023
Location:BLOC 302
Speaker:Ayah Almousa, University of Minnesota
Title:GL-equivariant resolutions over Veronese subrings
Abstract:We construct explicit GL-equivariant minimal free resolutions of certain (truncations of) modules of relative invariants over Veronese subrings in arbitrary characteristic. The free modules in the resolution correspond to certain skew Schur modules associated to "ribbon" or "skew-hook" diagrams, and the differentials at each step are surprisingly uniform. We then utilize the uniformity of these resolutions to explicitly compute information about tensor products, Hom, and Tor between these modules and show that they also have rather simple descriptions in terms of ribbon skew-Schur modules. I will emphasize the hidden role of symmetric function theory in detecting the answer to this question and guiding our intuition to build new tools to prove our results in arbitrary characteristic. This is joint work with Mike Perlman, Sasha Pevzner, Vic Reiner, and Keller VandeBogert.

Date:February 10, 2023
Location:BLOC 302
Speaker:Laura Matusevich, Texas A&M University
Title:Differential operators and algebra retracts
Abstract:I will define rings of differential operators, and discuss the few explicitly known examples. Using algebra retracts (subrings that are also quotients) I will show how to compute the rings of differential operators on toric face rings. All the terminology will be introduced in the talk, no background on differential operators or toric face rings is necessary. This is joint work with Berkesch, Chan, Klein, Page and Vassilev.

Date:February 17, 2023
Location:BLOC 302
Speaker:Mahrud Sayrafi, University of Minnesota
Title:Bounding the Multigraded Regularity of Powers of Ideals
Abstract:Building on a result of Swanson, Cutkosky--Herzog--Trung and Kodiyalam described the surprisingly predictable asymptotic behavior of Castelnuovo--Mumford regularity for powers of ideals on a projective space P^n: given an ideal I, there exist integers d and e such that for large enough n the regularity of I^n is exactly dn+e. Through a medley of examples we will see why asking the same question about an ideal I in the total coordinate ring S of a smooth projective toric variety X is interesting. After that I will summarize the ideas and methods we used to bound the region reg(I^n) as a subset of Pic(X) by proving that it contains a translate of reg(S) and is contained in a translate of Nef(X), with each bound translating by a fixed vector as n increases. Along the way will see some surprising behavior for multigraded regularity of modules. This is joint work with Juliette Bruce and Lauren Cranton Heller.

Date:March 3, 2023
Location:BLOC 302
Speaker:Chun-Hung Liu, Texas A&M University
Title:Proper conflict-free coloring and maximum degree
Abstract:A conflict-free coloring of a hypergraph is a coloring on the vertices such that for every hyperedge, some color appears exactly once on the vertices of this edge. This notion is motivated by a frequency assignment problem of cellular networks and is a generalization of a number of variants of coloring notions of graphs. We prove a general upper bound for the number of colors for (proper) conflict-free coloring involving the maximum degree and rank. It provides improvements about linear coloring and star coloring of graphs with bounded maximum degree and addresses a conjecture of Caro, Petrusevski and Skrekovski on proper conflict-free coloring of graphs. They conjectured that for every d \geq 3, every connected graph with maximum degree at most d has a proper conflict-free coloring with d+1 colors. We prove that (1.655083+o(1))d colors suffice. We also prove that the fractional coloring version of this conjecture is asymptotically true. This is joint work with Daniel Cranston.

Date:March 24, 2023
Location:BLOC 506A
Speaker:Avery St. Dizier , UIUC
Title:A Polytopal View of Schubert Polynomials
Abstract:Schubert polynomials are a family of multivariable polynomials whose product can be used to solve problems in enumerative geometry. Despite their many known combinatorial formulas, there remain mysteries surrounding these polynomials. I will describe Schubert (and the special case of Schur) polynomials with a focus on polytopes. From this perspective, I will address questions such as vanishing of Schubert coefficients, relative size of coefficients, and interesting properties of their support. Time permitting, I'll talk about my current work on generalizing the Gelfand–Tsetlin polytope, and its connections with representation theory and Bott–Samelson varieties.

Date:March 31, 2023
Location:BLOC 302
Speaker:Hongdi Huang, Rice University
Title:Twisting Manin's universal quantum groups and comodule algebras
Abstract:Symmetry is an important concept that appears in mathematics and theoretical physics. While classical symmetries arise from group actions on polynomial rings, quantum symmetries are introduced to understand certain quantum objects (e.g., quantum groups) which appear in the theory of quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. In this talk, we will define Manin's universal quantum groups and its 2-cocycle twist. Moreover, we will talk about the invariants under the tensor equivalence of quantum symmetries.

Date:April 5, 2023
Location:BLOC 302
Speaker:Yuri  Bahturin, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Title:From groups to algebras and back
Abstract:We analyze and extend the classical Malcev correspondence between the divisible torsion-free nilpotent groups and rational nilpotent Lie algebras. The new setting is arbitrary finite-dimensional nilpotent algebras. We prove the implicit function theorem for the polynomial functions on such algebras. This allows us to produce various correspondences between these algebras and (quasi)groups, each built on the same underlying set. Applications are provided for the commensurators of nilpotent groups, filiform Lie algebras and partially ordered algebras. (joint work with Alexander Olshanskii)

Date:April 14, 2023
Location:BLOC 302
Speaker:Lauren Snider, Texas A&M University
Title:(S_p x S_q)-Invariant G-Parking Functions
Abstract:G-parking functions are generalizations of classical parking functions which depend on a connected multigraph G having a distinct root vertex. Gaydarov and Hopkins classified all such graphs G whose G-parking functions are invariant under action by the symmetric group S_n (where n+1 is the order of G), through which they clarified the relationship between G-parking functions and vector parking functions. In this talk, I will present a classification of all graphs G whose G-parking functions are (S_p x S_q)-invariant, with p+q+1 the order of G. Seeking a 2-dimensional analogue of Gaydarov and Hopkins' results, I will then characterize the overlap between G-parking functions and 2-dimensional U-parking functions, i.e., pairs of integer sequences whose order statistics are bounded by certain weights along lattice paths in the plane. This talk is based on joint work with Catherine Yan.

Date:April 21, 2023
Location:BLOC 302
Speaker:Jesus de Loera, University of California, Davis
Title:Who discovered Ramsey theory? An algebraic re-examination of Ramsey theory.
Abstract: This will be a combined event with the Colloquium.

Date:April 22, 2023
Location:BLOCKER 169/164
Title:CombinaTexas Conference (Saturday and Sunday)

Date:April 28, 2023
Location:BLOC 302
Speaker:Patricia Klein, Texas A&M University
Title:Geometric vertex decomposition and liaison
Abstract:Geometric vertex decomposition and liaison are two frameworks that have been used to produce similar results about similar families of algebraic varieties. In this talk, we will describe an explicit connection between these approaches. In particular, we will describe how each geometrically vertex decomposable ideal is linked by a sequence of elementary G-biliaisons of height 1 to an ideal of indeterminates and, conversely, how every G-biliaison of a certain type gives rise to a geometric vertex decomposition. As a consequence, we can immediately conclude that several well-known families of ideals are glicci, including Schubert determinantal ideals, defining ideals of varieties of complexes, and defining ideals of graded lower bound cluster algebras. This connection also gives us a framework for implementing with relative ease Gorla, Migliore, and Nagel’s strategy of using liaison to establish Gröbner bases. Time permitting, we will describe briefly, as an application of this work, a proof of a conjecture of Hamaker, Pechenik, and Weigandt on diagonal Gröbner bases of certain Schubert determinantal ideals. This talk is based on joint work with Jenna Rajchgot.