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Texas A&M University

Mathematical Physics and Harmonic Analysis Seminar

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LocationSpeaker Title click for abstract
iCal 02/23
BLOC 302 Jun Kitagawa
The structure of sliced and disintegrated Monge-Kantorovich metrics
iCal 03/22
Bloc 302 Stephen Shipman
Localization of Defect States in the Continuum for Bilayer Graphene
iCal 03/22
BLOC 302 Daniel Boutros
University of Cambridge
On energy conservation for inviscid hydrodynamic equations: analogues of Onsager's conjecture
iCal 03/29
BLOC 302 Matt Powell
Georgia Institute of Technology
Continuity of the Lyapunov exponent for quasi-periodic Jacobi cocycles
iCal 04/05
BLOC 302 Theo McKenzie
Quantum Ergodicity for Periodic Graphs
iCal 04/12
BLOC 302 Wei Li
DePaul University
Edge States on Sharply Joined Photonic Crystals
iCal 04/26
Zoom Gihyun Lee
Ghent University
A calculus for magnetic pseudodifferential super operators

The organizers for this seminar rotate annually. Email Gregory Berkolaiko to be put in touch with the current organizers.
