Lecture Series
The Douglas Lectures »
The Douglas Lectures honor Distinguished Professor Ronald Douglas, who was a member of the Department of Mathematics from 1996 until 2018. Douglas Lecturers are distinguished mathematicians who work in an area close to the research interests of the honoree (operator theory, Banach and C* algebras). The series typically consists of three lectures over the course of a week during the academic year. The series is made possible by an endowment established through generous initial gifts from Ciprian Foias and Carl Pearcy, augmented by contributions from friends and colleagues of Professor Douglas.
The Ewing Lecture Series in Computational Mathematics »
The Ewing Lecture Series in Computational Mathematics honors late Distinguished Professor Richard Ewing. Professor Ewing was a member of the Department of Mathematics from 1992 until 2007, Dean of Science from 1992 to 2000, and Vice President for Research from 2000 to 2007. Ewing lectures are given by eminent computational scientists and directed towards a general audience in mathematics. They are currently supported by the Mobil Chair in Computational Science (Professors Yalchin Efendiev and Jean-Luc Guermond).
The Foias Lectures »
The Foias Lectures honor Distinguished University Professor Ciprian Foias, who has been a member of the Department of Mathematics since 2000. Foias Lecturers are distinguished mathematicians who work in some branch of analysis. They deliver up to three lectures over the course of a week during the academic year. The series is made possible by an endowment established through generous initial gifts by Professors Ron Douglas and Carl Pearcy in 2014, augmented by contributions from friends and colleagues of Professor Foias.
Frontiers in Mathematics »
Frontiers in Mathematics is a departmental lecture series in the Texas A&M University Department of Mathematics. Each year, several distinguished mathematicians are invited to visit the campus for a week, and to deliver series of lectures on current research. This also provides opportunities for interactions with our faculty and graduate students.
Sue Geller Undergraduate Lecture Series »
The Mathematics Undergraduate Research Lecture Series is intended as a venue for undergraduate students to interact with a leading researcher from outside Texas A&M University who has also demonstrated a deep interest in mentoring students. The series is supported by the Department of Mathematics and the College of Science.
Maxson Lecture Series »
The Maxson Lecture Series honors Professor Emeritus Carl Maxson, who was a member of the Department of Mathematics from 1969 until his retirement in 2002. This annual event is made possible by a generous endowment from Dr. Maxson's first doctoral student, Professor Ponnammal Natarajan of Chennai, India. Dr. Natarajan was also the first female Ph.D. graduate in our department (1974). Maxson Lecturers are distinguished mathematicians who work in algebra or in a closely related field.