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Texas A&M University

Noncommutative Geometry Seminar

Organizers: Simone Cecchini, Jinmin Wang, Zhizhang Xie, Guoliang Yu, Bo Zhu

Please feel free to contact any one of us, if you would like to give a talk at our seminar.

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LocationSpeaker Title click for abstract
iCal 01/25
BLOC 628 Runjie Hu
Stony Brook University
Galois symmetry and manifolds
iCal 02/01
BLOC 628 Hao Zhuang
Washington University in St. Louis
Invariant Morse-Bott-Smale complex, the Witten deformation and Lie groupoids
iCal 02/08
ZOOM Zhicheng Han
University of Göttingen
Spectra of Lie groups and application to L^2-invariants
iCal 03/07
BLOC 628 Jingwen Chen
University of Pennsylvania
Mean curvature flow with multiplicity $2$ convergence
iCal 03/28
BLOC 628 Liang Guo
East China Normal University
Hilbert-Hadamard spaces and the equivariant coarse Novikov conjecture
iCal 03/29
BLOC 306 Zhengwei Liu 
Tsinghua University
Alterfold Topological Quantum Field Theory
iCal 03/29
BLOC 306 Fan Lu 
Tsinghua University
Classification of exchange relation planar algebras of rank 5
iCal 03/29
BLOC 306 Zishuo Zhao
Tsinghua University
Relative entropy between bimodule quantum channels
iCal 04/04
BLOC 628 Zhengwei Liu 
Tsinghua University
Quantum Fourier Analysis and Categorification Criteria
iCal 04/05
BLOC 628 Ningfeng Wang
Tsinghua University
3d connections in alterfold TQFT and embedding theorems
iCal 04/18
BLOC 628 Qiaochu Ma
Washington University in St. Louis
Mixed quantization and quantum ergodicity
iCal 04/19
BLOC 306 Henri Moscovici
Ohio State University
Prolate wave operators beyond the archimedean place